"September 2024" Archives

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Atlas Merchant Capital, A&D Mortgage announce JV partnership 

Global investment firm Atlas Merchant Capital and Florida-based lender A&D Mortgage have announced a joint venture (JV) to expand A&D’s $7 billion mortgage securitization platform. The JV, which will draw from a combination of internal and third-party capital sources, will purchase mortgages originated and serviced by A&D and other lenders.  The goal of the JV…

To expand housing counseling services, HUD taps Zillow

The federal government is launching a campaign on Zillow to help provide housing counseling services to more Americans. The Department of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on Tuesday also will publish a new final rule in the Federal Register to expand accepted communication methods for counseling clients. Zillow advertising partnership Zillow is…