"2024" Archives

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AI Demo Day: Rocktop’s Intelligent Data Integration Suite (IDIS)

Intelligent Data Integration Suite (IDIS) VIU by HUB is a digitally-enabled personal lines brokerage platform that seamlessly integrates into the home-buying experience. Clients can quickly shop, purchase, and manage their insurance in a complex market, thus a timely value-add for customers. For partners, VIU provides new ancillary revenue to off-set rising interest rates and inflation.  …

Mortgage originations rebounded by 23% in Q2

The country saw 1.62 million residential mortgage originations in the second quarter of 2024, an increase of 23.2% from the previous quarter, and the first quarterly gain in a year. The increase in overall lending in Q2 came amid the Spring homebuying season and lower mortgage interest rates that dipped downward after months of increases,…

Eight states now have more unsold inventory than in 2019. Here’s why.

Unsold inventory of homes on the market has been climbing in the U.S. for two years, right along with rising mortgage rates. In general, inventory rises with rates because more expensive money slows demand. When demand slows, inventory grows.  According to Altos Research, there are 40% more homes on the market at the end of…