Rents are expected to “surge,” according to CoreLogic Chief Economist Dr. Selma Hepp. Just how much of a housing shortage the county will face remains to be seen as families decide over the next few months whether they will even stay in LA.
"2025" Archives
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Real estate and mortgage firms are stepping up to help housing professionals and the Southern California community as wildfires ravage the area. Here’s a roundup of the companies and people offering help, which will be updated with new information as it becomes available. Help for those in the community Coldwell Banker Realty in Southern California,…
Implementing a coaching plan in your brokerage can significantly enhance agent performance and satisfaction, coach Verl Workman writes.
Looking for more help in your business? The answer might lie with an AI-generated twin who can take on some of the communication tasks on your behalf, Rachael Hite writes.