Title insurance underwriter Title Resources Group (TRG) conducted a round of layoffs on Friday focused on professionals from the agency division of Doma Holdings, the real estate technology company it acquired in March, sources told HousingWire. The exact number of affected employees remains unclear, though some sources estimate at least 20. The layoffs appear to…
"Aralık 2024" Arşivleri
Arşiv Sayfaları
In an evolving mortgage market, mergers and acquisitions could give mortgage company owners opportunities to achieve growth and avoid challenges. In a three-part podcast series, Dan Hanson, the executive director of enterprise partnerships and acquisitions at loanDepot, answers three key questions for owners: When is a good time to sell my company? How do you…
“Dramatic” mortgage rate movements are destined to play a major role in the coming year, according to Zillow‘s newest forecast, which also calls for declining mortgage rates to be a catalyst for home-sales growth and home-price appreciation in 2025. “There’s a strong sense of déjà vu on tap for 2025. We are once again expecting…
Homeowners have generally done well over the last few years in accumulating home equity wealth. Since the onset of the pandemic, average equity per borrower increased by about $117,000 nationally, totaling almost $312,000 per mortgaged borrower. Aggregated across borrowers with a mortgage, home equity adds up to almost $17.5 trillion. Adding homeowners without a mortgage,…